tom clancys splinter cell blacklist
tom clancys splinter cell blacklist


Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist

SplinterCell:Blacklist.Samisbackanddeadlierthanever.He'stheonlysecretoperativewiththepowertoactabovethelaw,andusesruthlessmethodsto ...

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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist is a 2013 stealth action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Toronto and published by Ubisoft. Gameplay · Synopsis · Development · Reception

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell ; First release, Splinter Cell November 18, 2002 ; Latest release, Splinter Cell: Blacklist August 20, 2013 ... Blacklist · English · Conviction · Double Agent

Save 75% on Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist on Steam

評分 4.5 (17,267) · Splinter Cell Blacklist builds on the stealth roots of the franchise, while exploring new directions to embrace the realms of action and ...

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist

關於此遊戲. 山姆再度穿上他的戰略服裝與配備,他比過往要更加致命。不計任何代價就為了阻止黑名單的發生,山姆將在各國地區與美國境內來回穿梭,他必須把握每分每秒才能找出 ...

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist(XBox 360) : Ubisoft

評分 4.4 (815) Splinter Cell Blacklist innovates from the roots of the franchise, and players can enjoy a series of twists on franchise favorites including reinvented classic ...

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist Reviews

評分 82% (58) Splinter Cell: Blacklist can be a demanding and sometimes harsh game, but it only serves in strengthening your resolve to do better, and explore different ...

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist

Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Sam is back and deadlier than ever. He's the only secret operative with the power to act above the law, and uses ruthless methods to ...

購買Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Blacklist™

供應中 Unleash the power or the most lethal agent to ever exist. You are Sam Fisher, and you've been given the ultimate freedom to protect innocents against a ...

Splinter Cell Blacklist《縱橫諜海:黑名單》實機預告介紹[中文字幕]

Splinter Cell Blacklist《縱橫諜海:黑名單》實機預告介紹[中文字幕] - Ubisoft SEA. 23K views · 12 years ago ...more. Ubisoft 官方中文頻道. 138K.

SPLINTER CELL BLACKLIST Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 FULL ...

... Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist is an action-adventure stealth video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal. Sam is back in his tactical ...


TomClancy'sSplinterCell:Blacklistisa2013stealthaction-adventurevideogamedevelopedbyUbisoftTorontoandpublishedbyUbisoft.Gameplay·Synopsis·Development·Reception,TomClancy'sSplinterCell;Firstrelease,SplinterCellNovember18,2002;Latestrelease,SplinterCell:BlacklistAugust20,2013 ...Blacklist·English·Conviction·DoubleAgent,評分4.5(17,267)·SplinterCellBlacklistbuildsonthestealthrootsofthefranchise,whi...